Graphics Cards

Cimatron Graphics Card Resource Page

The purpose of this website is to assist Cimatron customers to find recommended or suitable graphics cards for Cimatron or verify if their existing card is suitable. Simply set the Cimatron version and any of the other parameters to generate a list of graphic cards in use, based on the Cimatron worldwide database.

Important Notes:
* Quadro cards from NVidia and FireGL/FirePro cards from ATI are the most recommended cards for CAD/CAM software.
** The performance of graphics cards is tightly related to driver version and memory size.
The newer the driver and the greater the memory, the better the graphics card performance.
*** Upon load, Cimatron checks for the graphics card in use. If any mismatch is detected, a relevant message is shown.
**** It is recommended to update the graphics card driver from time to time.
***** Graphics cards’ drivers for laptops should be resourced from the laptop vendors.

Operating System: 
Show only certified cards:  

- Certified Card - Used by customers - Unsupported Card/Driver